This Ethiopic version of the Book of Enoch is deemed by scholars to be older by several centuries than the Slavonic one, and …
Tags: Adam, Ananel, Angels, anunnaki, Armaros, Asael, Azazel, Baraqiel, Batariel, Bible, Book, book of enoch, Book of Exhortation, Cainan, Complete, DANIEL, Enoch, Enosh, Ezeqiel, Gabriel, God, Heaven, Holy One, Jared, Judgement, Kokabiel, Malalel, Methuselah, Michael, mount sinai, nephilim, Old Testament, Rameel, Ramiel, Raphael, righteous, Samsiel, Sariel, Satariel, Seth, Sheol, sinners, Tamiel, the bible (religious text), Turiel, Urakiba (Araqiel), VERSION, Watchers, Yomiel, Zaqiel